Current Construction Projects

Auloa Road and Ulukahiki Street: 16-Inch Water Mains

Install 16-inch mains and appurtenances along Auloa Road, from FH W03044 to Kalanianaole Highway; and along Ulukahiki Street, from Kalanlanaole Highway to Kallua Road - approx. 7,635 lin. ft. Install 8-inch main along Ulukahlkl Street, from near Manu Aloha Street to Kallua Road - approx. 250 lin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The project began in January 2023. View the project news release and resident letter.

Halupa Street Water System Improvements

Install 12-inch mains and appurtenances along Halupa Street from Punihi Street to Haloa Drive - approx.. 2,000 lin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The project began in April 2024. View the project news release and resident letter.

Kakela Drive and Mohala Way Water System Improvements

Install 8-inch mains and appurtenances along Kakela Drive, from McKinley Street to McKinley Street; and along Mohala Way, from East Manoa Road to Beckwith Street - approx. 1,865 lin. ft.  Install 8-inch and 4-inch mains along Kakela Place, from Kakela Drive to end; and along Kakela Iki Place, from Kakela Drive to end - approx. 300 lin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The project began in November 2024. View the project news release and resident letter.

Kalama Valley Water System Improvements, Part II and Service Lateral Replacements in Kalama Valley

Install 12-inch mains and appurtenances along Kealahou Street, from 661 Kealahou Street to Papalalo Place - approx. 2,305 lin. ft. Install 8-inch mains and appurtenances along Wawau Street, from Honokahua Street; along Honokahua Street, from Kaeleku Street to end; along Kealahou Street, from Papalalo Place to end; along Nakalele Street, from Kealahou Street to Pihana Street; along Pihana Street, from 45 feet north of FH M06514 to end; and along Ipuai Street, from Kealahou Street to Honokahua Street - approx. 4,135 lin. ft. Install 8-inch and 4-inch mains and appurtenances along Kalina Place, from Kealahou Street to end; along Maloo Place, from Honokahua Street to end; along Ohina Place, from Honokahua Street to end; along Honokahua Place, from Honokahua Street to end; along Kiaala Place, from Kealahou Stree to end; and along Papalalo Place, from Kealahou Stree to end - approx. 2,040 lin. ft. Install service laterals and appurtenances along Kaeleku Street, from Honokahua Street to end; along Honokahua Street, from Kahului Street to Kepaniwai Street; along Napoko Place, from Kealahou Street to end; along Kamaomao Place, from Kealahou Street to end; along Puumahoe Place, from Kealahou Street to end; along Muolea Place, from Kealahou Street to end; along Olowalu Place, from Kealahou Street to end; along Olowalu Way, from Olowalu Place to end; along Hulaloha Street, from Kealahou Street to Kahului Street; along Kealahou Street, from Huialoha Street to FH M06314; along Inuwai Place, from Kealahou Street to end; along Kahului Street, from Kaeleku Street to FH M06477; along Pihana Street, from Kahului Street to FH M06514; along Inuwai Way, from Inuwai Place to end; and along Eaea Place, from Kealahou Street to end - approx. 199 service laterals. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The project began in June 2024. View the project news release and resident letter.

Kalawahine 24-Inch Water Main Project

Install 24-inch main, including appurtenances along Pensacola Street from Kinau Street to Nehoa Street, Auwaiolimu Street from Nehoa Street to Anianiku Street, and Anianiku Street from Auwaiolimu Street to fire hydrant #M02678 - approx. 4,900 lin. ft. Working hours are Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The project began in October 2022. View the project news release.

Moanalua Road 8-Inch Main, Waimalu Neighborhood Park Vicinity

Install 8-inch mains and appurtenances along Moanalua Road, from fire hydrant L00646 to Kaahele Road - approx. 580 lin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The project began in June 2024. View the project news release and resident letter.

Wahiawa Water System Improvements, Part IV

Install 16-inch mains and appurtenances along Nichols Street from Glen Avenue to Eames Street; and along Eames Street from Uuku Street to Nichols Street - approx. 1,620 lin. ft. Install 8-inch mains and appurtenances along Lehua Street from Kilani Avenue to end; along Koa Street from Kilani Avenue to Auwai Drive; along Eames Street from Nichols Street to 1735 Eames Street; along Eames Street from Glen Avenue to 1746 Eames Street; along Glen Avenue from Eames Street to Glenview Place; along Royal Palm Drive from Nichols Street to Glen Avenue; along Turner Street from Royal Palm Drive to Eames Street; along Glenview Place from Glen Avenue to end; along Wonderview Place from Glenview Place to end; along Kanoelehua Place from Glen Avenue to end; along Hakuone Street from Hakuone Place to end; along Hakuone Place from Hakuone Street to end; along Hill Drive from California Avenue to Puu Place; along Puu Place from Nakeke Place to end; along Leilehua Road from 90 feet south of FH C00722 to end; along Leimomi Place from Leilehua Road to 37A Leilehua Road; along Alai Place from Leilehua Road to end; along Laniloa Place from Leilehua Road to end; along Lena Place from Laniloa Place to end; along Mie Place from Laniloa Place to end; along the side road north of FH C00216 from Glen Avenue to end; along the side road south of FH C00380 from Glen Avenue to end; along the side road north of FH C00217 from Glen Avenue to end; and along the side road north of FH C00329 from Lakeview Circle to end - approx. 14,570 lin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. When work is fronting Wahiawa Elementary School on Glenn Avenue, working hours will be 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. all days except Wednesdays when it will be 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The project began in July 2023. View the project news release and resident letter.

Waiomao Homestead Road 8-Inch Main

Install 8-inch mains and appurtenances along Waiomao Homestead Road, from Waiomao Road to Palolo Chlorinator - approx. 730 lin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The project begin in January 2024. View the project news release and resident letter.

Wikao Street 12-Inch Main

Install 12-inch main and appurtenances along Wikao Street from Melemanu 808 Reservoir to Waikalani Drive - approx. 1,200 lin. ft. Restore connection of the Melemanu 808 Reservoir to the Mililani-Wahiawa 808 water system. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The project began in October 2023. View the project news release and resident letter.

Upcoming Construction Projects

Aliʻipoe Drive and Paʻihi Street Area Water System Improvements

Install 12-inch and 8-inch mains and appurtenances along Ali'ipoe Drive, from near FH L00776 to Pohue Street - approx. 2,110 lin. ft. Install 8-inch mains ar.J appurtenances along Pa'ihi Street, from Aii'ipoe Drive to Pohue Street: along Huka'a Street, from Pa'ihi Street to Pohue Street: along 'lwa'iwa Street, from Huka'a Street to Pohue Street: along 'lwa'iwa Street, from Halawa Heights Road to Nahiolea Street: and along Pohue Street, from Ali'ipoe Drive to Pa'ihi Street - approx. 4825 lin. ft. Install 8-lnch and 4-inch mains and appurtenaces along Pohue Place, from Pohue Street to end: and along Pohuli Street, from Pa'ihi Street o 150' past FH L00790 - approx. 650 fin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Project start date is TBD.

Kahilinai Place and Aiea Heights Drive Water System Improvements

Install 8-inch mains and appurtenances along Kahilinai Place, from Aiea Heights Drive to end; along Aiea Heights Drive, from Hoio Street to Aiea 277 Reservoir; along Aheahe Street, from Kanaloa Street to Aiea Heights Drive; and along Hakina Street, from Kanaloa Street to Kaulainahee Place - approx. 4,070 lin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Project start date is TBD.

Kapolei Parkway 12-Inch Main

Install 12-inch mains and appurtenances along Kapolei Parkway, from Park Row to Kolowaka Drive - approx. 1,100 lin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Project start date is TBD.

Keolu Hills Water System Improvements, Part II

Install 12-inch main and appurtenances along Keolu Drive, from Akumu Street to Nanialii Street; along Akumu Street, from Keolu Drive to Alahaki Street; along Iana Street, from Keolu Drive to FH W00766; and along Keolu Drive, from Kanapuu Drive to Akalani Loop - approx. 3,580 lin. ft. Install 8-inch mains and appurtenances along Akumu Street, from Alahaki Street to Holoholo Street; along Keolu Drive, from Akalani Loop to Akahai Street; along Akahai Street, from Keolu Drive to Akamai Street; along Akaiki Street, from Akahai Street to Akamai Street; and along Halula Place, from Akumu Street to end - approx. 4,270 lin. ft. Install 4-inch mains and appurtenances along Akumu Place, from Akumu Street to end; along Akiu Place, from Akumu Street to end; and along Akalei Place from Akumu Street to end - approx. 540 lin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Project start date is TBD.

Kualakai Parkway 16-Inch Recycled Water Main

Install 16-inch transmission main and appurtenances along Farrington Highway, from the access road to East Kapolei 215 recycled water reservoir to Kualakai Parkway; and along Kualakai Parkway, from Farrington Highway to Kapolei Parkway - approx. 12,000 lin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Project start date is TBD.

Maʻiliʻili Road 20-Inch Main, Paʻakea Road to Lualualei Homestead Road

Install 20-inch main and appurtenances along Maʻiliʻili Road, from Paʻakea Road to Lualualei Homestead Road - approx. 3,800 lin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Project start date is TBD.

Monsarrat Avenue Water System Improvements

Install 16-inch mains and appurtenances along Monsarrat Avenue from 225 feet west of Paki Avenue to Campbell Avenue, along Campbell Avenue from Monsarrat Avenue to Kaunaoa Street - approx. 2,030 lin. ft. Install 12-inch mains and appurtenances along Campbell Avenue from Monsarrat Avenue to Kaunaoa Street - approx. 310 lin. ft. Install 8-inch mains and appurtenances along Monsarrat Avenue from Paki Avenue to Campbell Avenue, and along Kanaina Avenue from Monsarrat Avenue to Kaunaoa Street - approx. 1,740 lin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Project start date is TBD.

Palolo Water System Improvements, Part III

Install 16-inch mains and appurtenances along Palolo Avenue, from Carlos Long Street to Palolo Place; and along 10th Avenue, from Palolo Place to Makanui Place - approx. 1,410 lin. ft. Install 12-inch mains and appurtenances along Palolo Avenue, from Kiwila Street to Palolo Place; and along 10th Avenue, from Palolo Place to Waiomao Road - approx. 7,000 lin. ft. Install 8-inch mains and appurtenances along Palolo Avenue, from Kauhana Street to Carlos Long Street; along Kaalani Place, from 10th Avenue to end; along Kaululoa Place, from Palolo Avenue to end; along Makanui Place, from 10th Avenue to end; along Holomua Place, from Makanui Place to end; and along 10th Avenue - approx 3,470 lin. ft. Install 4-inch mains and appurtenances along Palolo Place, from FH M00899 to end - approx. 30 lin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Project start date is May 2024.

Piliuka PRV Replacement

Replace and relocate PRVs, along Waianae Valley Road near FH L06812. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Project start date is October 2024. View the project news release and resident letter.

Puiwa Road 12-Inch and Dowsett Avenue 8-Inch Mains

Install 12-inch mains and appurtenances along Puiwa Road, from 24 Puiwa Road to Puiwa Lane - approx. 500 lin. ft. Install 8-inch mains and appurtenances along Dowsett Avenue, from fire hydrant M03678 to Alika Avenue - approx. 1,000 lin. ft. Install 8-inch mains and fire hydrant along the lane near 3964 Old Pali Road to end - approx. 510 lin, ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Project start date is TBD.

Service Lateral Replacements at Kapolei 

Install and replace 226 service laterals at ʻUlakupu Street, Kaunuʻoaʻula Street, Pilipiliʻula Place, Wiliwilihele Place, ʻOwakalena Street, Koanimakani Street, Hoanāulu Place, Koanimakani Place, Waikōloa Place, Kuipuakukui Street, Leimaʻo Place, Puamaʻomaʻo Place, and Puanohu Place. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Project start date is TBD.

Service Lateral Replacements at Various Locations (map pending)

Install and replace service laterals at various locations. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Project start date is TBD.

Waiapo Place, Waihua Place and Waimomona Place Water System Improvements

Install 12-inch mains and appurtenances along Kolowaka Drive, from Waiapo Place to Waimomona Place - approx. 610 lin. ft. Install 8-inch and 4-inch mains and appurtenances along Waiapo Place, from Kolowaka Drive to end; along Waihua Place, from Kolowaka Drive to end; along Waimamona Place, from Kolowaka Drive to end- approx. 2,190 lin. ft. Anticipated working hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Project start date is TBD.

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