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Conservation Tips

Check this page for conservation tips and resources from the Board of Water Supply.

Feb 25, 2023

Rain Catchment Systems

Rain catchment systems are easy and effective tools for conserving water outdoors. The captured nonpotable rainwater can be used in a number of activities, including watering lawns and plants, as well as washing tools, cars, and pets. Here are some commonly asked questions about rain catchment.

Feb 22, 2023


BWS produces or sponsors a number of publications and other materials designed to help the public better understand our island's fresh water system and how they can help to conserve and protect it for future generations.

Sep 14, 2022

Conservation Rebates

Through the Water Sensible program, Board of Water Supply customers may be eligible to take advantage of water conservation rebates.

Jun 09, 2022

Water Waste Hotline

The Board of Water Supply shares your concern whenever water is being wasted. Whenever you see water being wasted – a broken water pipe, a malfunctioning irrigation sprinkler, a faucet left running, or something similar – please contact our Water Waste Hotline.

Nov 05, 2020

Leak Detection

Leaks in household and underground water pipes on your property can be costly and wasteful. Check for possible leaks at least once a month, whenever you suspect a leak exists, or before you travel for an extended period of time.

Jun 24, 2020

7 Ways to Save Water

Hawaii's water resources are limited, so let's not waste a drop. If we save enough water now, we'll have what we need for years to come. Here are some easy ways to conserve water.

Jun 22, 2016


Xeriscaping is the newest tool in water management—coined in the American southwest, the term describes an innovative and creative means of conserving water through the landscape.