GO TO: Our Water Story | Data & Statistics | BWS Initiatives | Watershed Management Plan

The Honolulu Board of Water Supply has begun the development of the district-wide watershed management plans, which will comprise the Oʻahu Watershed Management Plan. These plans will be used to meet the requirements of preparing a county water use and development plan under the State of Hawaii Water Code and City and County of Honolulu ordinance. The Hawaii State Commission on Water Resources Management (CWRM) oversees the development of the County water plans under the State Water Code. These plans will comprise the Hawaii Water Plan.

Our Approach

The BWS will develop watershed management plans for each of Oʻahu's eight planning districts through a planning process that will emphasize:

  • Community participation and consultation
  • Holistic management of watershed resource
  • Alignment with important State and City policies and programs
  • An action orientation: Implementation of important watershed management programs
  • Ahupuaa management principles

Our Goal

The overall goal of these plans is to provide short-, mid-, and long-range guidance for the sustainable management and use of Oʻahu's valuable and finite surface and ground water resources in meeting demands consistent with City land use plans.

Our Objectives

  • Promote sustainable watersheds
  • Protect and enhance water quality and quantity
  • Protect Native Hawaiian rights and traditional customary practices
  • Facilitate public participation, education, and project implementation
  • Meet future water demands at reasonable costs

Watershed Management Plan Development Schedule

2015 to Present:

2012 to 2016:

2008 to 2012:

2004 to 2009:

Updated: 06/14/2024