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Commercial Rebate Program

The Honolulu Board of Water Supply is offering water conservation rebates perfect for commercial kitchen, landscape, and plumbing products. This money-saving program helps businesses of all types reduce overall water usage, operating costs, and monthly water and sewer bills.

Phone: (808) 237-6877 | Email: watersensible@boardofwatersupply.com I

Commercial Cooling Tower 

Cooling Tower Equipment

Conductivity Controller:  (Up to $1,000)
Flow Meter: (Up to $1000)
Overflow Alarm: (Up to $500)
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Rebate Application 

Commercial Landscaping 

EPA WaterSense®
WBIC with Sensor

Rebate: WBIC: $100
Rebate with Sensor: Up to $35
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Rebate Application 

Rain Barrel/Tote

Rebate: $150
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Rebate Application 

Commercial Plumbing 

EPA WaterSense®

Rebate: $50
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Rebate Application 

Commercial Clothes Washer

Rebate: $75 
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Rebate Application 


Commercial Kitchens 

High Efficiency 
Pre-Rinse Spray Valve & Aerators 

Spray Vale Rebate: Up to $50 
Faucet Aerator Rebate: Up to $10

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Rebate Application 

Water Efficient 
Dipper Well (scoop showers, utensil holders)

Rebate: Up to $150
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Rebate Application 

Rated Commercial Dishwasher 

Rebate: $250 
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Rebate Application 

Rated Batch-Type Ice Machine

Rebate: $100
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Rebate Application 
