waiwai e-newsletter
Tuesday, April 4, 2022 | Issue 04

New PSAs Urge Water Conservation

The Board of Water Supply has launched a series of new TV and radio public service announcements to urge O‘ahu residents, businesses and government agencies to reduce their water use by 10% as a result of the Red Hill water contamination crisis.
The announcements feature Ernie Lau, BWS’s Manager and Chief Engineer, requesting everyone to do their part to save water.
If we all take these messages to heart, we can avoid the need for more drastic conservation measures and prevent a water shortage that would impact all O‘ahu residents, businesses and government agencies.


To view the TV spots, click here.

Get a Free, Personalized Water Use Report

How do you know if you’re reducing your water use by 10%? The Board of Water Supply makes it easy to track the amount of water you’re using.

Sign up for free, personalized WaterSmart reports to learn how much water you’re using on a daily basis and in each billing period. You’ll also see where you’re using the most water in your home. You can also request automatic alerts for potential leaks. You’ll even be able to compare your water use with other Board of Water Supply customers with comparable household and yard sizes in the same climate.

Residents and businesses can sign up to receive their WaterSmart report on their computer, tablet or mobile device at https://www.boardofwatersupply.com/watersmart. You can also watch a two-minute instructional video to help you can get started!

A Barrel of Water Savings

Watering our yards makes up about half our total water usage. Instead of using potable water, consider using rainwater. It not only helps conserve our drinking water supply, but also helps to reduce your water bill without depriving your lawn or garden of water.

A rain barrel catchment system is a safe, simple and proven way to collect rainwater. It prevents over-watering yards and possible pollutants from entering storm drains that eventually end up in our beaches.

Heather Iwasaki, a Civil Engineer with the Board of Water Supply, recently explained the value of rain barrel catchment systems on a WaterWisdom Wednesday on Hawaii News Now. Click here to watch the video.


$40 Rain Barrel Rebate

You can receive $40 off your rain barrel with a rebate from the Board of Water Supply. It’s a great investment and easy to set up. For information about this and other rebates go to: https://www.boardofwatersupply.com/conservation/watersensible/rebates

waiwai did you know banner
did you know

Did you know?

For every one inch of rainfall, up to 600 gallons of water can be collected from a 1,000-square foot rooftop. That’s the equivalent of enough water to fill 12 large fish tanks!
