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strategic plan 2023-2027

The Board of Water Supply Strategic Plan provides an overview of the commitment of the BWS employees to deliver safe, dependable, and affordable water, now and into the future. The plan was drafted in late 2016 and then updated in 2018 to reflect a five-year timeframe. The 2023-2027 strategic plan is now available.

About the Strategic Plan

On September 26, 2016, the BWS senior management team chartered a project to update the agency's Strategic Plan and document its ongoing work in providing water to the citizens of the City and County of Honolulu. Between October and December 2016, members of the BWS Board of Directors and the agency's senior management team participated in a series of facilitated workshops to review and re-confirm the agency's vision, mission, values, strategic goals and objectives and to develop key action plans.

Updated: 02/16/2023